Thala Ajith, Shruti haasan, Lakshmi Menon starrer family entertainer movie 'Vedalam' which has released on 10th November, has made a new record opening day collection. It has earned 15.5 crore rupees on the first day, which is the highest ever for a film in Tamilnadu.
Vedalam has already overtook the records made by Vijay's Kaththi and Rajinikanth's Lingaa which have collected Rs. 12.5 crore and Rs. 12.8 crore respectively.
The film is sait to have already grossed 50 crore rupees in the first three days, and the exact figures are yet to be announced officially.
As the family audience are greatly attaracted to this movie, we may expect the film to cross 100 crores mark within first week.