Film Celebs Addicting To Poker?

Poker is one of those gambling cards game, where lot of betting and individual play is involved. These days many people are playing poker online for money and losing lots of money. However, few heroes and heroines are heard having this habit of Poker in real life too.

On the eve of Diwali, some heroines like Shradda Das and Deepika Padukone have stunned that they played a cards game. When cinema lovers are going jaw dropped at those scenes, few insiders shared with us that many star heroines are playing poker with huge betting in their caravan vans itself. Also there are some heroes who play caravan in First Class seating of their airplane during the travel. More than winning money in this game, these celebs are said to be feeling special if they lose heavy chunks of green notes. They are feeling proud for losing a lakh.

As long as they are earning in crores, these games sound fun and crazy, but real trouble starts with their income gets diminished and bank balances stagnated, and these people can't distance their addiction.