Mega Star Amithab Bachan has been suffering from Chronic Cirrhosis of Liver. It's a common ailment in heavy alcoholics. He is now surviving with just 25 % of liver while the ailment ate away 75 percent of it. But have you always thought Mega star was a complete non-Alcoholic? Yes ofcourse he is, AB never touches alcohol !
This situation of his aroused due to a fatal accident during the shoot of his Block Buster Coolie. In 1982 when Mega star was at the helm of his career a mistimed jump during Coolie shoot in Banglore, ruptured his spleen and was hospitalized in critical situation. His chances of regaining health was very thin. As many as 60 bottles of blood was pumped into him. Unfortunately one of the bottles had Virus Australian Antigen Hep B that silently ate away his Liver.
It was only between 2004-05 that his situation was Identified and Amithab since then has been on medication. Amithab recalled all this on Nov 23 while at launch event of Hepatitis campaign . Coolie was a box office bonanza with a story rewritten after the accident. According to the initial script Amitab was supposed to be dead but Director Manmohan Desai did not want to kill a person on screen that just cheated death so he has shown Amithab healing in the hospital toward the end of the flick.