Thala ajith’s upcoming movie vedalam movie’s booking was happening in lightening fast , already the shows of chennai are houseful with in the fraction of seconds top mutliplex theaters bookings were over ultimate star ajith who holds the strong fanbase in the tamilnadu and its neighbor states not only in the top a centers across the states are full on opening day , all other b and c centers are also house full due to star power of ajith and the diwali holidays , the movie is initially planned to release on previous thursday of diwali but later moved to diwali day,
the ticket price was too high for the fans show which starts at 3 am across the state,which is high demand it costs upto 300rs 400rs , in chennai mayajal show count is increasing day by day due to high demand , mayajal usually shows more show for ajith and rajini movies but this time even though currently 60 show for vedalam on the opening day even though the competition with the ulaga nayagan kamal’s movie , the major theaters were booked by ajith ‘s vedalam was a major drawback for kamal’s movie