While actor Sivakarthikeyan’s meeting with veteran comedy actor Goundamani was widely reported, the fast rising star’s meeting with ‘Thala’ Ajith that happened recently went almost unnoticed.
In a recent interview to a Tamil daily Sivakarthikeyan has confirmed that he met Ajith in the latter’s residence and had a chat for about one hour. He also said he did not want to brag about that as he preferred not to use the meeting for reaping publicity.
Sivakarthikeyan mentioned that he considers his meeting with Ajith as an important moment of life. Revealing further details the former television anchor said that Ajith spoke about personal traits rather than cinema and quoted his real life experiences.
The ‘Kakki Sattai’ actor said the advices given by Ajith were those that a person would receive from his father or an elder brother.