Ever since the script work began several months ago, Shankar and the film's producers, along with Superstar Rajinikanth have been trying hard to find the right actor to play the villain character who will counter Chitti. Stars like Aamir Khan and Shah Rukh Khan were in talks but they refused the offer.
Then, Shankar and Rajini approached Hollywood action star Arnold Schwarzenegger and almost confirmed him for a staggering 100 crore budget. However, Arnold ditched the makers in the last minute by making unjust demands.
At last, putting an end to all the speculations over the last few months, the makers of India's most expensive film ever, Robo 2.0, have announced the actor who will play the villain in the film. Bollywood action hero Akshay Kumar has been signed on for the film for a hefty paycheck. With Akshay's inclusion in the cast, the film will get more box-office mileage in the B, C centers across the country.
Then, Shankar and Rajini approached Hollywood action star Arnold Schwarzenegger and almost confirmed him for a staggering 100 crore budget. However, Arnold ditched the makers in the last minute by making unjust demands.
At last, putting an end to all the speculations over the last few months, the makers of India's most expensive film ever, Robo 2.0, have announced the actor who will play the villain in the film. Bollywood action hero Akshay Kumar has been signed on for the film for a hefty paycheck. With Akshay's inclusion in the cast, the film will get more box-office mileage in the B, C centers across the country.