India Met Department has upgraded outlook to 'heavy or very heavy rain' over North Coastal Tamil Nadu (including Chennai and neighbourhood) and Puducherry for the rest of today (Sunday) and tomorrow.
Heavy rainfall is likely on both days at isolated places over South Coastal and interior Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Lakshadweep, as the low-pressure moved out fully into the Comorin region.
Tuesday and Wednesday are expected to see the heavy rain belt become prominent over South Coastal Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, and Kerala and Lakshadweep.
Light to moderate rain has continued to persist since this morning as the 'low,' despite having moved outside of Tamil Nadu and neighbouhood, pulls in moisture-laden winds across its coast.
Chennai has recorded 4.1 cm of rain during the 24 hours ending at 2.30 pm this afternoon. Satellite pictures show scattered clouds over Chennai while big parcels are heading towards Central and South Tamil Nadu.
An extended outlook of India Meteorological Department valid between December 11 and 13 said that rain or thundershowers would occur at many parts of the South Peninsula.
The US Centre for Climate Prediction is of the view that Chennai and neighbourhood should be watchful of rain or thundershowers at least for another week.