Looks like someone has put the evil eye on Sivakarthikeyan's upcoming film, Rajini Murugan, for the comedy entertainer has found a knack of distancing itself from theatre halls. After financial troubles of its producers postponed the movie multiple times, it is now time for Chennai rains to do the same.
Produced by Lingusamy and Subash Chandrabose of Thirrupathi Brothers, the release of Rajini Murugan was postponed many times by the makers, as they had to untangle their monetary crisis.
Finally, it was announced that the film will hit the big screen on December 4th, much to the joy of movie buffs and Sivakarthikeyan fans. But thanks to the merciless downpour Chennai is subjected to at the moment, release of the film has once again been postponed.
In an official statement released by Thirrupathi Brothers, the makers have confirmed the deferment and have revealed that the new release date will be announced soon, after discussing the possible dates with distributors and theatre owners.
Stay tuned for more updates.