According to reports, Rajinikanth will be playing dual roles in the Pa. Ranjith directorial. One of the characters will be of an ageing don and the other will be of a Malaysian Police officer. The news has excited Rajini fans very much.
The shooting of the film is progressing at a brisk pace in Melaka. His fans have gathered in crowd to watch the shoot of their favourite star. Turns out, that Melaka MIC Liaison chairman M.S. Mahadevan, is also a fan of the superstar. He met Rajinikanth and described the experience as an unforgettable moment. He also said, “Rajinikanth is a very friendly and easily approachable person, so I hope his management will let his fans, especially here in Melaka, meet him in person". He added, “This is his first visit to Melaka and I was told ‘Kabali’ tells the journey of the main character, who lives in this country for about 20 years, transitioning from bad to good”.