Recently, we had reported that Tamil actors and actresses are doing their best to help the rain affected victims of Chennai and Tamil Nadu. While some have donated money, others are making sure that food and shelter are provided to those who are in need. The latest such news is about Thala Ajith's contribution.
According to a report that's been doing the rounds, the Vedalam star has donated a whopping 60 Lakh rupees and more than 3500 bed sheets, in an attempt to help the people of Chennai and Tamil Nadu.
It is said that the contribution has come from Ajith's 'Mohini-Mani Foundation', a non-profit organisation, that was established by the star actor many years ago.
It is to be noted that Ajith's wife Shalini had given away food for more than 400 people in Chennai. "We are preparing some fresh and hot food to help out the folks in Chennai. We will be able to feed about 400 or more people."
"If you are hungry or want to help distribute food to the hungry. Address: Sri Lalith Mahal, 10 Venkatakrishna road, (opp mandaveli bus depot) Mandaveli, Chennai 28. Spread the word. It's time to give back. #chennairains #chennairainshelp #chennaifloods," she had posted on her social networking page.
Later, she thanked everyone for the response her post received, "All the Food is Given away.. thanks all for the Shares", she wrote.