The title of Ilayathalapathy Vijay's 59th film, directed by Atlee along with the first look that was revealed recently created huge buzz among the fans. The film titled 'Theri' has Samantha and Amy Jackson are playing the female leads with GV Prakash composing the music. The young composer has revealed the first line of a song from the film sung by Deva and lyrics by Rokesh. He also said that it has Vijay's dance sequence in a single shot for 40 seconds.
Revealing the first line of the song, GV Prakash tweeted, "#theri #GV50 #jithujilladi .. Jithu jilladi mitta killadi . Wait for ilayathalapathys single shot dance for 40 seconds in the song."
Actress Meena's daughter will be making her debut in this film, while veteran director Mahendran is making his comeback as a villain in this project.