The current transit of Rahu can yield favorable results to Midhuna, Thula and Meena Rasi People. Ketu can yield favorable results to Mesha, Kanni and Dhanushu Rasi People. Saturn remains completely in Viruchiga Rasi for entire duration of Rahu / Ketu transit. But Jupiter will be in Simha Rasi until Aug 2016 and then in Kanni Rasi for rest of the period. The position of Saturn and Jupiter will play a major role along with Rahu and Ketu in delivering both positive and negative results.
Rahu Kethu Transit 2016
The current transit of Rahu can yield favorable results to Midhuna, Thula and Meena Rasi People. Ketu can yield favorable results to Mesha, Kanni and Dhanushu Rasi People. Saturn remains completely in Viruchiga Rasi for entire duration of Rahu / Ketu transit. But Jupiter will be in Simha Rasi until Aug 2016 and then in Kanni Rasi for rest of the period. The position of Saturn and Jupiter will play a major role along with Rahu and Ketu in delivering both positive and negative results.