John is also co-producing the film with Sunil Kheterpal. He said, “We along with the direction team saw the final edit of the film this week and were bowled over with the final output. This action film has a strong emotional backbone surmised in the relationship between the protagonist and a seven year old girl. We have been brainstorming on the right release window and the long weekend of Holi-Good Friday in March just felt apt. A special film needs a special date and this date shall help optimal showcasing for the film.”
John Abraham and Shruti Haasan’s Rocky Handsome to hit the screens on Holi!
John is also co-producing the film with Sunil Kheterpal. He said, “We along with the direction team saw the final edit of the film this week and were bowled over with the final output. This action film has a strong emotional backbone surmised in the relationship between the protagonist and a seven year old girl. We have been brainstorming on the right release window and the long weekend of Holi-Good Friday in March just felt apt. A special film needs a special date and this date shall help optimal showcasing for the film.”