Already touted to be India's most expensive film ever, the Rajinikanth-Shankar Robo 2 has been in all sorts of news ever since its inception. The stage is all set for the much anticipated launch of this sequel on the 16th December in Hollywood.
The film was also in news earlier as Shankar managed to signed up none other than the Hollywood action star Arnold Schwarzenegger to play the villain's role. It was earlier reported that Shankar even met Arnold to explain his character details during his recent trip to the US.
Now, here's an unexpected shock to all the excited fans. As per the latest buzz in the Tamil media circles, the makers had to forego Arnold after they could not cope with the action hero's unjust demands with respect to his remuneration and security measures.
Apparently, Shankar and team Lyca are currently in talks with a leading Bollywood star to play the negative role.