He also worked for Khiladi 786 movie, he died instantaneously in the late morning. All the Tollywood celebrities expressing their deep condolences. His popular movies are Pedarayudu, Khiladi 786, Shatruvu, Police Lockup, Abhilasha and Bangaru Bullodu. He has two sons and a daughter.
He started his career as lyricist in Telugu industry and turned into story writer with Devatha movie. Director Puri Jagganadh posted, “OMG! Shocked to hear that Devi Sri Prasad’s father Satyamurthy garu passed away this morning due to Heart Attack!May his soul Rest in Peace”
Ramcharan: “Saddened with the news of the demise of Satyamurthy garu, a very affectionate and loving person. May lord give strength to his family. RIP Satyamurthy garu”
Music Director Rockstar DSP always praise his father in many shows, He used to say that his father is his hero. He also says that his father will give him great support. Let us wish his family gets true support and bright future ahead. BLR team expressing deep condolences to Satyamurthy garu.